Our mission is “To provide our customers with the most affordable and proven solutions for the development of their business”


Welcome to Brixlab company.

Our company delivers laboratory and technological equipment, laboratory furniture and glassware, accessories and consumables. We are working on the territory of Russian Federation and the CIS countries. High competencies and experience of our staff members as well as attractive prices and wide range of goods and services delivered allows Brixlab to satisfy almost any needs of our customers.

Our business motto is “Development has become more accessible”!

Our mission is “To provide our customers with the most affordable and proven solutions for the development of their business”

That means that we are always making every effort in order to find the most affordable and reliable equipment as well as to fulfil every request as soon as it would be possible.

The main advantages of Brixlab – our high competencies, our working speed and affordability of our solutions. We are successfully working in any field where a solution for the supply, launch and maintenance of equipment is needed. We are working with educational and research institutions as well as with large pharmaceutical organizations, food factories, chemical and petrochemical corporations.

Our team offers every types of services - delivery, installation, warranty and post-warranty service, qualification, validation and certification of the equipment supplied. For the convenience of our customers, we are gathered specialists in various fields, we developed flexible customer-centered policy, and we are constantly in search of high-quality and affordable equipment, reliable and high- quality suppliers and manufacturers around the world.

Brixlab is always open to dialogue and always welcome for the new partners. If you are interested in promoting our goods in Russia and the CIS countries, please contact us. We are always ready to discuss any business ideas and terms of collaboration. In order to contact us, please use following contact details:
+7 (495) 150-03-08


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